Friday, May 16, 2008


Three people check into a hotel. They pay $30 to the manager and go to their room. The manager finds out that the room rate is $25 and gives $5 to the bellboy to return. On the way to the room the bellboy reasons that $5 would be difficult to share among three people so he pockets $2 and gives $1 to each person. Now each person paid $10 and got back $1. So they paid $9 each, totalling $27. The bellboy has $2, totalling $29.Where is the remaining dollar?

I don't know! Making my brain hurt. Haha.

1 comment:

KyraCaden said...

OME! My grade 7 teacher gave this question to us!! Ahhh! I can't remember the answer! I'll let you know if I figure it out!