Would you rather have a spider crawl into your mouth while you were sleeping, or have a spider crawl into your ear while sleeping?
I would rather it crawl into my mouth, becuz if it crawled in my ear, it may lay eggs and i would seriously go INSANE if that happened, so sick and disgusting. At least if it went into my mouth it wouldn't lay eggs.....or would it? :
Friday, May 23, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Would you rather be very short (like 4'10") or very tall (like 7'8")?
I would rather be very short. Cuz, i'm already short.
I would rather be very short. Cuz, i'm already short.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Would you rather lose the ability to see or lose the ability to hear?
I would rather lose the ability to hear.
I would rather lose the ability to hear.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Would you rather... Forget to study for an exam, or stay up late studying, sleep in, and miss half of it?
I would rather stay up late studying....i'm smart enough to set my alarm in the morning, i wouldn't sleep in ;) lol!
I would rather stay up late studying....i'm smart enough to set my alarm in the morning, i wouldn't sleep in ;) lol!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Three people check into a hotel. They pay $30 to the manager and go to their room. The manager finds out that the room rate is $25 and gives $5 to the bellboy to return. On the way to the room the bellboy reasons that $5 would be difficult to share among three people so he pockets $2 and gives $1 to each person. Now each person paid $10 and got back $1. So they paid $9 each, totalling $27. The bellboy has $2, totalling $29.Where is the remaining dollar?
I don't know! Making my brain hurt. Haha.
I don't know! Making my brain hurt. Haha.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Mister Black , Brown and Green are eating at a restaurant.Each is wearing a coloured tie.The ties are black, brown and green in colour.Suddenly the man wearing the green tie says : " Did you notice that our ties are the same colour as our names but no one is wearing a tie similar to his name ?"Strange, indeed", says Mr Black.
Question : What colour tie was each man wearing ?
Mister Black is wearing Green.
Mister Green is wearing Brown.
Mister Brown is wearing Black.
Question : What colour tie was each man wearing ?
Mister Black is wearing Green.
Mister Green is wearing Brown.
Mister Brown is wearing Black.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Step 1: Take the number of the month you were born in (1 for January, 2 for February, etc.) and multiply this number by 2.
Step 2: Add 6 to your answer in step 1.
Step 3: Multiply your answer in step 2 by 50.
Step 4: Add the day you were born on to this number.
Step 5: Now subtract 365 to the answer you got in step 4.
253 is my answer.
Step 2: Add 6 to your answer in step 1.
Step 3: Multiply your answer in step 2 by 50.
Step 4: Add the day you were born on to this number.
Step 5: Now subtract 365 to the answer you got in step 4.
253 is my answer.
Monday, May 12, 2008
I don't know! This blog confuses me, i don't know what i would ask. I would trust my gut and pick a random door and hope for the best. Screw the robots, lol. :P
Friday, May 9, 2008
If you could choose any age to be for the rest of your life, how old would you stay and why?
I would want to be a little kid, because you don't have anything to worry about, life is easy and you can fun all the time. Easy work at school, no jobs, no taxes, life would be great. But then it would be kind of annoying at the same time.
I would want to be a little kid, because you don't have anything to worry about, life is easy and you can fun all the time. Easy work at school, no jobs, no taxes, life would be great. But then it would be kind of annoying at the same time.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
If you could give $1000 to any charity, where would you send the money and why?
I would seperate the money and send it to at least 3 different charitys, because then i would be helping more than one.
I would seperate the money and send it to at least 3 different charitys, because then i would be helping more than one.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Yesterday i went on Facebook and looked at pictures, because i'm done my website. But i did edit some things on my site, things that aren't supposed to be there anymore...
Monday, May 5, 2008
If you had a time machine, and could travel to any year, past or future, what time would you travel to and why?
I would travel to the past, to my childhood for a little while. Enjoy being a kid again, and do things i didn't do before. Also, i wish i could travel about 2 weeks in the past right now, so i would have stopped something from happening, or made things better. And make sure that THAT didn't happen.. =[
Friday, May 2, 2008
Imagine that you wanted to be friends with someone who spoke a language that you didn't understand. What would you do? How would you try to communicate to that person?
I would try to teach that person a little bit of my language, and hopefully they would teach me a little bit of theirs. So we can understand eachother better, talking both our languages.
I would try to teach that person a little bit of my language, and hopefully they would teach me a little bit of theirs. So we can understand eachother better, talking both our languages.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Describe your version of a fun evening!
I'd have to say, either having no homework and staying at home relaxing watching movies or listening to music, going out with some friends and chillax (no homework to worry about), or else going to the city and going to a concert with my close friends. Yay!
I'd have to say, either having no homework and staying at home relaxing watching movies or listening to music, going out with some friends and chillax (no homework to worry about), or else going to the city and going to a concert with my close friends. Yay!
What kind of animal would you like to be and why?
I'd like to be a turtle. Why? well i don't really know why, can you imagine being a turtle? Fricken awesome!
I'd like to be a turtle. Why? well i don't really know why, can you imagine being a turtle? Fricken awesome!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
What would you do if you were invited a birthday party, and an hour before it started, you realized you forgot to get a present?
I would give them 25 bucks so they can spend it on something they like, and make a card, even though the card would most likely be shitty because of lack of time.
I would give them 25 bucks so they can spend it on something they like, and make a card, even though the card would most likely be shitty because of lack of time.
Today is Earth Day. What does that mean to you?
I don't know what it means to me. But i think it's a day when people should respect the earth and keep it clean. And hopefully open up there eyes and see that our earth is going down hill. I don't know what else.
I don't know what it means to me. But i think it's a day when people should respect the earth and keep it clean. And hopefully open up there eyes and see that our earth is going down hill. I don't know what else.
Monday, April 21, 2008
What's your favourite thing to do on a rainy day?
I like to either stay inside and listen to music while watching the rain. Or else i like to go out in the rain and run around and "play". I like the rain. =]
I like to either stay inside and listen to music while watching the rain. Or else i like to go out in the rain and run around and "play". I like the rain. =]
Friday, April 11, 2008
If it was possible to spend a weekend on the moon, what would you bring with you?
I would bring my ipod to keep me occupied, a cell phone to call my family and tell them how i'm doing, food and water AND I would bring all my friends so we can party it up on the moon. You don't come across the chance to throw a party on the moon very often!
I would bring my ipod to keep me occupied, a cell phone to call my family and tell them how i'm doing, food and water AND I would bring all my friends so we can party it up on the moon. You don't come across the chance to throw a party on the moon very often!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
What was the best birthday present you've ever received?
The best present i've ever received was my My Chemical Romance concert tickets, and i got floor too! Other than that, it must be my other concert tickets i've received from my parents for my other birthdays.
The best present i've ever received was my My Chemical Romance concert tickets, and i got floor too! Other than that, it must be my other concert tickets i've received from my parents for my other birthdays.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
What was the most exciting news you've ever received?
Um, there's alot of them. I must say when i found out i was going to the My Chemical Romance concert for my birthday, and my parents got floor tickets! I was freaking out and i couldn't stop smiling! :)
Um, there's alot of them. I must say when i found out i was going to the My Chemical Romance concert for my birthday, and my parents got floor tickets! I was freaking out and i couldn't stop smiling! :)
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
What is your favourite internet website and why?
My favourite website must be Nexopia, Facebook, or Deviant Art. I can communicate with my friends on Facebook and Nexopia or even MSN. And i like Deviant Art because it has lots of interesting pictures.
My favourite website must be Nexopia, Facebook, or Deviant Art. I can communicate with my friends on Facebook and Nexopia or even MSN. And i like Deviant Art because it has lots of interesting pictures.
Monday, April 7, 2008
April 7, 2008
What means more to you - appearance or personality?
Personality means more to me. Appearance means a little to me too though, but i would rather have someone who had an amazing personality but not totally good looking, other than someone who was really good-looking but had a really annoying, mean personality.
Personality means more to me. Appearance means a little to me too though, but i would rather have someone who had an amazing personality but not totally good looking, other than someone who was really good-looking but had a really annoying, mean personality.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
What are you doing on Spring Break?
I am going to spend a couple days in Winnipeg with my Uncle Carl, Taunte Michelle and cousin Gabrielle. I'm also going to a concert on April 1st with Sara and Gabrielle. Also, i'm going to the movies with a special someone. Tehehehe.
I am going to spend a couple days in Winnipeg with my Uncle Carl, Taunte Michelle and cousin Gabrielle. I'm also going to a concert on April 1st with Sara and Gabrielle. Also, i'm going to the movies with a special someone. Tehehehe.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
I wouldn't want to live anywhere else, I like living in Canada. But if i had to choose, i would want to live in Rome, or Australia. Don't really know why, it would just be pretty cool.
I wouldn't want to live anywhere else, I like living in Canada. But if i had to choose, i would want to live in Rome, or Australia. Don't really know why, it would just be pretty cool.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Would you rather win a lottery where you get $1000 a week for the next 25 years, or win a lottery where you get 1 million dollars paid out to you right away?
I would rather get 1 million dollars on the spot because i would put it all in my bank account right away, so over time it'll grow even more. I wouldn't mind getting $1000 a week either, but i would probably end up spending it all right away. 1 million dollars right away is what i would choose.
I would rather get 1 million dollars on the spot because i would put it all in my bank account right away, so over time it'll grow even more. I wouldn't mind getting $1000 a week either, but i would probably end up spending it all right away. 1 million dollars right away is what i would choose.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
What's the most important to you in a friend: loyalty, generosity or honesty?
I'd have to say loyalty. Honesty is pretty important too, but i'd rather have a friend who has loyalty.
I'd have to say loyalty. Honesty is pretty important too, but i'd rather have a friend who has loyalty.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
If it was your job to pick what shows were on TV, how would you choose?
I would first of all take off most of the tv shows that are on right now. I think they are all boring, useless and stupid, and i don't get them at all. But that's what i think, i don't know about everyone else. If i had to choose which ones to put on i would choose more mystery, horror, comedy and music shows.
I would first of all take off most of the tv shows that are on right now. I think they are all boring, useless and stupid, and i don't get them at all. But that's what i think, i don't know about everyone else. If i had to choose which ones to put on i would choose more mystery, horror, comedy and music shows.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
If Hollywood was going to make a movie about your life, who would you want to play you?
I wouldn't want any celebrities to play me, i would want to play the part as "Brittany Bruce" in the movie of my life. It's only fair. =)
I wouldn't want any celebrities to play me, i would want to play the part as "Brittany Bruce" in the movie of my life. It's only fair. =)
Monday, March 17, 2008
What do you think Ms. Sidorow will say in yours progress report?
Umm, i'm not to sure. Probably that i'm a hard-working student and i get my assignments in on time? That's what i always get from all the teachers every single progress/report card.
Umm, i'm not to sure. Probably that i'm a hard-working student and i get my assignments in on time? That's what i always get from all the teachers every single progress/report card.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
They say that a picture is worth 1000 words. What does this mean to you?
Well i think it means that some pictures have more meaning, that could take a thousand words to explain? Haha, i don't really know. When i first heard that saying i thought it meant they're so many different words that could explain a simple picture.
Well i think it means that some pictures have more meaning, that could take a thousand words to explain? Haha, i don't really know. When i first heard that saying i thought it meant they're so many different words that could explain a simple picture.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
I think you should buy a chocolate bar from me because i'm asking you nicely. BUY A CHOCOLATE BAR FROM ME! Almost everyone in the class has sold at least one chocolate bar and i haven't sold any. So i think you should be the first one to buy one of mine. Thank you!
Monday, March 10, 2008
How would you change the world to make it better?
I would do alot of things to make the world better, but most of them are impossible to do. Like solve global warming, cure cancer, and stop world poverty.
I would do alot of things to make the world better, but most of them are impossible to do. Like solve global warming, cure cancer, and stop world poverty.
Friday, March 7, 2008
What would you do if you found a cell phone?
If i found i cell phone i would look through the numbers and call one of them, and ask who the owner of the phone was and give it back to them. I wouldn't want to keep it, i don't find a point to keeping it.
If i found i cell phone i would look through the numbers and call one of them, and ask who the owner of the phone was and give it back to them. I wouldn't want to keep it, i don't find a point to keeping it.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
What would happen if everything you touched turned into candy?
If everything i touched turned to candy, i would probably go insane. I wouldn't be able to eat my favourite foods because it would turn to candy. I wouldn't be able to listen to my iPod because it would turn to candy. I wouldn't even be able to hold hands or even touch another person without turning them into candy! So, i don't think i would want that quality.
If everything i touched turned to candy, i would probably go insane. I wouldn't be able to eat my favourite foods because it would turn to candy. I wouldn't be able to listen to my iPod because it would turn to candy. I wouldn't even be able to hold hands or even touch another person without turning them into candy! So, i don't think i would want that quality.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
What do you think the expression "Money can't buy happiness" means, and how does that expression make you feel?
I think that expression means that no matter how much money you have, you can't actually buy happiness. You may think you can, but really, you can't. Almost like the term "you can't buy love." Happiness and love come and go, and it's something you can't control OR buy. This expression makes me feel, well it doesn't really make me feel anything. It's just a true statement.
I think that expression means that no matter how much money you have, you can't actually buy happiness. You may think you can, but really, you can't. Almost like the term "you can't buy love." Happiness and love come and go, and it's something you can't control OR buy. This expression makes me feel, well it doesn't really make me feel anything. It's just a true statement.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
What would you do if you got a present that you didn't like?
Depending on the person who gave the gift to me, i would either be polite and tell them i don't like it, and ask for the receipt or something. Or else just act like i liked it, but really i didn't.
Depending on the person who gave the gift to me, i would either be polite and tell them i don't like it, and ask for the receipt or something. Or else just act like i liked it, but really i didn't.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Describe your idea of a perfect day.
My perfect day would either have to be staying at home and watching movies with friends. Or going to a wicked concert with friends! OR, of course, spending my whole day with "him" =)
My perfect day would either have to be staying at home and watching movies with friends. Or going to a wicked concert with friends! OR, of course, spending my whole day with "him" =)
Friday, February 29, 2008
What do you think of the new cell phone policy?
I don't really care, because i don't have a cellphone, so it wouldn't harm me. BUT! Ipods on the other hand, i am totally freaking out! I like to listen to my ipod in class, helps me work and concentrate on my assignments without distractions.
I don't really care, because i don't have a cellphone, so it wouldn't harm me. BUT! Ipods on the other hand, i am totally freaking out! I like to listen to my ipod in class, helps me work and concentrate on my assignments without distractions.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
What is your favourite tv show, and why do you enjoy it so much?
I would say my favourite T.V show would be, the MuchMusic Channel. Why? Well because i love to watch music videos, and some of the shows on their are pretty funny, like video on trial. Haha. Another one i'm in love with would be LOST. Something about that show makes me tuned to the tv, and when people try to talk to me i pretty much snap because i don't want to miss parts.
I would say my favourite T.V show would be, the MuchMusic Channel. Why? Well because i love to watch music videos, and some of the shows on their are pretty funny, like video on trial. Haha. Another one i'm in love with would be LOST. Something about that show makes me tuned to the tv, and when people try to talk to me i pretty much snap because i don't want to miss parts.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
February 26.
What would you do if your friend broke their leg? How would you cheer them up?
If my friend broke their leg, i would be pretty sad and really worried about them. I would visit them as soon as possible at the hospital. By cheering them up i would buy them tons of their favourite things, and also buy flowers and candy. I'd probably try my hardest to make them laugh, because laughter is the best medicine. ^_^
If my friend broke their leg, i would be pretty sad and really worried about them. I would visit them as soon as possible at the hospital. By cheering them up i would buy them tons of their favourite things, and also buy flowers and candy. I'd probably try my hardest to make them laugh, because laughter is the best medicine. ^_^
Monday, February 25, 2008
What do you think the world will be like when you are 25 years old? How about when you are 50?
When i'm 25 the world will probably be in the dumps because of global warming. And when i'm 50, haha! Don't make me laugh. The world won't last that long. So, people! LIVE LIFE AT THE FULLEST!
When i'm 25 the world will probably be in the dumps because of global warming. And when i'm 50, haha! Don't make me laugh. The world won't last that long. So, people! LIVE LIFE AT THE FULLEST!
Friday, February 22, 2008
Tell me something about yourself that you don't think I already know.
Something you may not know about me is that i am related to Louis Riel.
I actually just found that out like last month.
My dad told me that on his side of the family, we are related from a distance,
I think that's pretty cool, ha!
Something you may not know about me is that i am related to Louis Riel.
I actually just found that out like last month.
My dad told me that on his side of the family, we are related from a distance,
I think that's pretty cool, ha!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
This is a easy one.
What is your most indispensable possession and why?
My most indespensable possession must be my iPod.
I don't go anywhere without it!
I listen to it everyday and i constantly but songs on there.
Other than my iPod, probably my cd's and walkman. Haha, i know, it's old school, but you can't go wrong with Cd's.
Also, my family. They're always there for my helping me through my rough times.
They also know how to make me laugh, 24/7! Oh boy, gotta love them.
My most indespensable possession must be my iPod.
I don't go anywhere without it!
I listen to it everyday and i constantly but songs on there.
Other than my iPod, probably my cd's and walkman. Haha, i know, it's old school, but you can't go wrong with Cd's.
Also, my family. They're always there for my helping me through my rough times.
They also know how to make me laugh, 24/7! Oh boy, gotta love them.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
What would happen if children ruled the world?
If children ruled the world it would be pretty sweet i guess. If most of the kids were immature, then it would kinda suck because the world would be filled with annoying dumb kids (no offense). But if teenagers ruled the world it would be a different story. Everyday would be totally awesome because, well, teenagers are awesome.
If children ruled the world it would be pretty sweet i guess. If most of the kids were immature, then it would kinda suck because the world would be filled with annoying dumb kids (no offense). But if teenagers ruled the world it would be a different story. Everyday would be totally awesome because, well, teenagers are awesome.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Friday's Blog.
If you could take a vacation anywhere in the world, when money was no object... Where would you go and what would you do there?
I would definately want to go to Rome! I've always wanted to, even when i was younger. Other than Rome, i would want to go to Cuba.
I would definately want to go to Rome! I've always wanted to, even when i was younger. Other than Rome, i would want to go to Cuba.
Pet Peeve.
What is your biggest pet peeve?
I have quite a few pet peeves. One major one i have is snoring, it's soo annoying! It totally sucks too because me and my sister share a room, and she snores almost everynight.
I just wanna get up and smack her and tell her to shut up! ..... i did a couple times actually. It worked.
Another one is when people tap their fingers. Grrrrrrr.
I have quite a few pet peeves. One major one i have is snoring, it's soo annoying! It totally sucks too because me and my sister share a room, and she snores almost everynight.
I just wanna get up and smack her and tell her to shut up! ..... i did a couple times actually. It worked.
Another one is when people tap their fingers. Grrrrrrr.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Valentines Day.
"In your opinion, what does Valentine's Day mean to you? Do you love it, or hate it? Is it happy or all hype? Who do you think profits from a day like today - the couples or the card companies?"
To me, Valentines Day is kind of special in it's own way. If you are single, Valentines Day totally sucks, because you have to go through the whole day seeing people together and loving eachother. And there you are, alone, and feeling unloved and lonely. But on the other hand, if you are dating someone, it is a really special day, because you spent it with the one your with or the one you love. At the moment, i don't really care for it, i actually hate it because i'm not dating anyone. So, to me, it's just another day of the year, that's all.
To me, Valentines Day is kind of special in it's own way. If you are single, Valentines Day totally sucks, because you have to go through the whole day seeing people together and loving eachother. And there you are, alone, and feeling unloved and lonely. But on the other hand, if you are dating someone, it is a really special day, because you spent it with the one your with or the one you love. At the moment, i don't really care for it, i actually hate it because i'm not dating anyone. So, to me, it's just another day of the year, that's all.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
"Pick one of the careers that you are interested in, and tell me why you think you would enjoy that job."
One of the careers that came up was a musician. I'm totally interested in that because i love music. Writing it, singing it, listening to it, you name it. Sadly, i don't play any instruments, but in the near future, i plan to.
One of the careers that came up was a musician. I'm totally interested in that because i love music. Writing it, singing it, listening to it, you name it. Sadly, i don't play any instruments, but in the near future, i plan to.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
"What would you like to do after you graduate from high school?"
After i'm done high school, i think i'm going to relax for about a year and enjoy no school for a bit. Reward myself, haha.
At the some time, possibly get a small job or something. Make some sweet money.
But after that i'm want to go to college and study dental work (dental industry), or else something else, that i would like to keep to myself. SORRY!
Yup, those are my plans. =)
After i'm done high school, i think i'm going to relax for about a year and enjoy no school for a bit. Reward myself, haha.
At the some time, possibly get a small job or something. Make some sweet money.
But after that i'm want to go to college and study dental work (dental industry), or else something else, that i would like to keep to myself. SORRY!
Yup, those are my plans. =)
Monday, February 11, 2008
"Have your say: Are rules and regulations necessary to have, or are they more of an annoyance than anything? Feel free to explain."
I would think they are necessary at only SOME points. Other times i don't think they are necessary and they get really annoying.
I think anyways.
I would think they are necessary at only SOME points. Other times i don't think they are necessary and they get really annoying.
I think anyways.
Friday, February 8, 2008
I just realized 70 people have looked at my page since i made it on monday. Whooaaaa ( i love it )
If i had a million dollars, i would give most of it to my parents, and force them to take a long vacation! A fair amount of it to Sara and Keenan, to help them for their future. Some to my relatives and friends. And the rest would go into my bank account and save it for a really really rainy day.
Also, i would of course do the thing almost every other teenage kid would do, SPEND IT ON YOURSELF!
Like come'n, you have to spoil yourself once in a while, am i right? HAHA!
Also, i would of course do the thing almost every other teenage kid would do, SPEND IT ON YOURSELF!
Like come'n, you have to spoil yourself once in a while, am i right? HAHA!
Thursday, February 7, 2008
"What is plagarism? What kind of consequences do you think someone should face if they are caught plagarizing?"
Plagarism: stealing someone else's ideas and presenting them as your own.
Some consequences someone should face could be punishment of some sort, like a money fee or something.
Plagarism: stealing someone else's ideas and presenting them as your own.
Some consequences someone should face could be punishment of some sort, like a money fee or something.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
"Did someone ever say or do something to you online that really made you mad? How did you deal with it?"
Well a couple times in the past, but they were just small things. Except this one time it was really big and i handled it alright, i just don't talk to them and i don't want to be friends with them ever again. You can pretty much say i am very choosy and cautious who i want to be friends with.
Well a couple times in the past, but they were just small things. Except this one time it was really big and i handled it alright, i just don't talk to them and i don't want to be friends with them ever again. You can pretty much say i am very choosy and cautious who i want to be friends with.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
If i had to eat one thing..
If i had to eat one thing for the rest of my life it would be peaches! Why? Well, because they are healthy for you. Also, a bonus is that peaches taste super good!
Monday, February 4, 2008
In this course i want to learn more about computers and the things behind them that i don't know of. I want to learn about web designing and whatnot. I don't know what else to write, so i'm just gonna leave it at that.
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